Making the Dream,
Becoming the Myth
I am a woman who has been raised by mystics and muses, artists and poets, courtesans and bodhisattvas. I made homes out of far-away worlds and fantasies. And so I learned first from my own life, and doubly from the heroes and authors of the tales I drank in that:
Beauty is powerful.
Pleasure is spiritual.
Joy is essential.
Love is everything.
Why I turned to Sex, Love, and Relationships
We all desire and embody beauty, pleasure, joy, and love. When we deny these aspects of ourselves or are denied these aspects of living, of life, our hearts wither.
But when someone blesses us with chimes of laughter, devotes themselves whole-heartedly to our pleasure, inspires us with profound beauty, or offers us love, it’s magick. It’s a gift.
I love this gift-giving process. It is the process of love, of sex, of true intimacy and an authentic relationship with life.
For those who wonder, that’s why I do what I do. Why I entered this field and why I enjoy weaving together romantic, indulgent, rapturous moments for us…
Tantra, Taoism, and intimate relationships offer invaluable resources and nourishment. They provide a pathway to the gifts of ecstasy, love, and abundance; gifts that act as sunshine to the flower of our hearts, helping us bloom back to life and feel more whole in the process.
After learning firsthand how powerful it is to reclaim and harness the divine energy of a healthy relationship with my own longings, creativity, love, and sexuality…
And learning how painful and debilitating a broken relationship with the self and with others can be…
I gifted myself with a holistic and immersive education on sex, love, and relationships:
I adventured into new realms of untold pleasure… I allowed myself the experience of genuine bliss and intimacy through the mutual exchange of touch, intention, and affirmation… I released years of shame, guilt, and insecurity… I cultivated a revolutionary romance with my partners and nourished my life with sex magick and euphoria… I harnessed the divine power of a healthy relationship with my own desires, creativity, and sexuality… I learrned the art of romancing the Muse and the Master within myself, my lovers, and my life.
And it inspired me to become a Holistic Intimacy coach for those who desire glorious, liberated, transformational, sexy relationships with themselves and others.
Training, Experience and Methodology
It also inspired me to co-create the Muse & Master approach, as someone who likes the process of evolution, integration, and manifestation to be as pleasurable as possible. It weaves together modern science and ancient wisdom to create a pleasure-filled path of legendary love, profound healing, true intimacy, and inspired creativity. It incorporates what I have learned from over my lifetime.
Additionally, I have studied Tantra and Taoism for almost three years now, taking two Tantric Courses in Greece and Northern California, completing almost 400 hours worth of training during those courses, devoting thousands of hours to mastering the Temple Arts, and reading even more supplementary materials on Taoism, sexology, and relationship science in my own time.
I am currently deepening my study of love, sex, and relationships through the Vital and Integrated Tantric Approach (VITA) coaching certification program, an advanced 650-hour professional training program by my mentor and teacher Layla Martin. It is a program founded on the modern science and ancient wisdom behind intimacy, which agrees with the Muse & Master approach.
Know that while you’re working with me, I am committed to offering you the most beautiful, rewarding, and transformational experiences I can, whether that’s honoring our connection through heart-based service or expanding my knowledge base to offer you the best tools and techniques.